My final exam has started..
I just love peace and quietness during my final exam..
Its my nature to just relax and i hate sound.. I really hate it!!
I just like the peaceful environment..
But as a roommate i tolerate to my roommate obsess with music..
He alwiz tell me.. U not yet study, when u study then i use the earphone la..
Does he get my point ? I wan quietness and peacefulness..
Doesnt mean that i use the laptop awhile means i nvr study..
U guys know.. facebook awhile then study is common rite ???
Given the option I can
1) request to change to single room earlier this sem
2)scold him
3)destroy his speaker when he is not around
4)lend him my earphone.
As i am a civilized ppl, I choose option 4, but the music still going on and on
I might consider other option..