Friday, July 16, 2010
Someone we share our saddest moment with, someone we laugh with, someone who we can depend on.
Well, sadly i seldom get those kind of friends nowadays. Most of the friends i can categorized as "surface" friends. They find you when they need your help, but avoid you when you are in trouble.
But that's life and we cannot avoid it. You see, when they need your help, they will phone and said, hey please help me for example ' fetch my brother, fetch me because i don't have transport, hey my things are at store, please help me get it'. Being a reasonably good friend, i abide by those tiny little request from them, but i never ask anything for return. *Mind you I'm also a student depending on my ptptn money, i need to use the money to pay all my expenses and that including the petrol my car is drinking*. I don't know, i feel that at least when you wanna go out and have some fun they could just ask me to join them.
Usually when i confront them, and ask them hey why didn't you ask me tag along when u guys go out ?
Their common answer:
1) Aiya you got gf ady mah, go out pak tor wif her la...
*In My Mind*: Huh ? Like that also can ar ? What the heck got gf got to do with this ? This is such a lame reason right ? Meaning all those got gf cannot go out with friends and have some fun ? Maybe they nvr pak tor before, i cannot blame them. But if they paktor before, *Silence is my best friend*
2)Aiya forget la..
This one also not a bad way.. 'purposely' forgetting people.. Not bad..
3)You always reject de la..
So what i always reject.. Did you make an effort to ask ? That's the problem, you take for granted for every thing.. Haizz..
Nvmla.. life goes on.. more and more "surface" friends are coming, i must handle them with care.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Final Exam..
My final exam has started..
I just love peace and quietness during my final exam..
Its my nature to just relax and i hate sound.. I really hate it!!
I just like the peaceful environment..
But as a roommate i tolerate to my roommate obsess with music..
He alwiz tell me.. U not yet study, when u study then i use the earphone la..
Does he get my point ? I wan quietness and peacefulness..
Doesnt mean that i use the laptop awhile means i nvr study..
U guys know.. facebook awhile then study is common rite ???
Given the option I can
1) request to change to single room earlier this sem
2)scold him
3)destroy his speaker when he is not around
4)lend him my earphone.
As i am a civilized ppl, I choose option 4, but the music still going on and on
I might consider other option..
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Internet Download Manager

Internet Download Manager (or often shortly called IDM) is a shareware download manager and accelerator tool for managing internet browser downloads, it is only available for the Microsoft Windows operating system.
IDM allows users to automatically download certain file types, divides downloads into multiple streams for faster downloading and lists recent downloads for easy access to files, it also searches for mirrors in order to increase download speeds. Its algorithm includes dynamic segmentation throughout the downloading process. IDM has two version types, one is free which is a limit of 30-day trial (some versions are 15 day-trial), when this trial period expires the application will stop functioning and downloading until buying a license information, and one is commercial for continual use. IDM works with Internet Explorer, Opera, Netscape Navigator, Apple Safari, Flock, Google Chrome, Mozilla, and Mozilla Firefox.